Computer Science notesSystem Design Methodologies


The term methodology is used confusingly in software systems engineering.

A method is a set of procedures to follow to accomplish a set of goals within a particular domain.

A methodology involves the study of methods in a particular domain.

In software engineering, these two terms are often used (incorrectly) interchangeably.


A description is a statement about phenomena of interest. It may be a program, a model, or even a picture scribbled on a whiteboard.

Descriptions may be precise (i.e., there are notational rules that must be obeyed), or they may be rough sketches.

System design involves constructing and manipulating many forms of descriptions; these descriptions help us formulate and understand the requirements and constraints underlying software system design.


A system is a set of interacting entities/things.

Systems are organised, that is, they have an architecture. Systems produce something something that the individual interacting entities can not (that is, a system integrates individual entities).

Systems have boundaries, which separates its own entities from those in its environment. Different types of system have different kinds of boundaries, and relationships with their environment.

If we recall sets, we say a set is closed under an operation if the result of an operation gives you a member of the set. We can apply the same thinking to systems. A closed system is one that is isolated from its environment.

Closed systems are sometimes called self-describing systems. That is, they not only describe a truth, but also describe what truth is, and how it can be recognised. (i.e., everything you want to know about a system can be learned by studying it, and only it).

This notion of closure can be applied to different kind of systems. UML is an example of a closed language, it is determined in terms of a meta-model, which is defined in terms of itself.

A closed system has communicating entities, but no connection to its environment, therefore we need to consider if any reasonable system is in fact closed.

An open system has communicating entities, but also interacts with the environment and other systems. Theoretically, an open system communicates constantly with its environment.

If we recall logic, a description of a system can be said to be complete if all of its propositions can be derived only from the axioms of the system (e.g., first-order predicate logic).

Complete systems allow the truth of any statement in a description to be verified by referring to the basic axioms and definitions of the systems. We can apply this to software by assuming that our requirements are axioms (the assumed truths), and that our design and how it satisfies its requirements is a set of propositions.

Incomplete systems come around when the description of the propositions can not be deduced from the systems basic axioms. The information about those propositions may come from elsewhere (e.g., if the system is open). Incompleteness is not necessarily bad.

Using these descriptions, we can group systems into four categories:

In reality, however, most systems do not fit exactly into one of these pigeonholes (i.e., systems are more or less complete, or more or less closed, than other systems).

Programs and Software

We already know how to design programs - algorithms and data structure design. To know how to design software we should first know what the difference between a program and software is. Both involve descriptions (or are themselves descriptions).

A program is a sequence of operations that a machine can be set to perform automatically.

Formal Languages

Early programs required machine operators to change the physical order of the machine to change the program. Reprogramming was a long, drawn out manual process. No such thing as program design methods existed at this very early experimental stage.

When the von Neumann architecture was introduced, computers became more flexible, and the idea of description became very important. This architecture began to impose methodology on to how programs were designed.

Von Neumann did not use natural language to describe programs, he borrowed from the mathematic theory developed by Turing, Post and Church in 1936. The languages proposed by these theories relied heavily on formal logic, and consequently the languages themselves became known as formal languages. Using these formal languages for description is only sensible under certain assumptions.

Formal languages are covered
in more details in
Formal Specification of Systems.

Formal languages are mathematically defined description languages, containing a finite number of symbols, and rules for combining symbols. Atomic symbols can not be decomposed into other symbols and form the alphabet of the language, and non-atomic symbols are created by combining atomic symbols, following the set of rules that define precisely how they are created. These atomic symbols, and the rules to create non-atomic symbols constitute the syntax (grammar, meta-model) of the language.

Some basic assumptions can be made when we construct descriptions using formal languages - the description language is complete (i.e., no new symbols or operations can be introduced), and that the systems they describe are closed (i.e., a system can not behave in such a way that the behaviour exhibited can not be described by the language).

Formal languages, and hence program design methods, target complete and closed systems. For a complete and closed system, given a written description (e.g., a program), it is possible to work out exactly what sequence of actions the machine will produce. Similarly, given a sequence of actions by the machine, it is possible to work out exactly what the written description (program) must have been. That is, the actions of the machine and the system description are equivalent (actions = instructions).

This is important for distinguishing programs and software.


Before the 1960s, a separate notion of software to programs did not really exist, but as computer use became more widespread, the need for separate terms became apparent.

There is often a mismatch between the needs of the machine and the needs of the business. The actions of the machine and the system description are no longer equivalent - the system description (business needs) must somehow be translated into machine actions.

Formal languages are not well suited to describing sensible and long established business rules, in part because formal languages work well with closed and complete systems. Something else was needed, and this something began to be called software.

Software has been given multiple definitions, including: "the printed materials supplied by a computer manufacturer to its customers" (1972), "computer programs, procedures, rules and any associated documentation concerned with the operation of a data processing system" (1982), and "those components of a computer system that are intangible, rather than physical" (1996).

Program design methods were developed before software design methods. Structured code led to structured design methods, and object-oriented languages led to object-oriented design methods.

Software design must lead to a software implementation (i.e., a program), so this so called "seamless development" (i.e., applying the same idea to both software and program design) has some obvious attractions.

History and expediency can lead to the assumption that program design methods are always right, but it can sometimes be a struggle to make software descriptions fit into the confines of formal languages.

Validation and Verification

One of the main differences between software and programs is the relative importance of validation and verification.

Validation and verification address the problem of demonstrating the suitability of a software description.

Validation: are we building the right product? Validation is concerned with demonstrating that the software description is based on the right assumptions.

Verification: are we building the product right? Verification is concerned with demonstrating the internal consistency of the software description.

Validation is particularly important for software designers because it lets them assess closure - does the design correspond to the requirements specified by the customer? If a design is valid (and the system is closed), then the requirement descriptions can be composed and decomposed without introducing errors. This allows the designer to reduce one large problem into several smaller ones, and structure those problems in such a way that they are capable of being described in a formal language.

Verificiation is important for software designers because it lets them check completeness - is the software correct in terms of the design established at the beginning of the activity? If verified, a designer can claim that the relationship between the description and the thing being described is completely and unambiguously defined. This allows the designer to ignore differences between conceptual descriptions and the thing it describes within the scope of the software.

Closed and complete descriptions mean that a designer can claim the description and the thing being described are equivalent. This allows the designer to treat the descriptions and things they describe as being interchangeable. Because the of the unique environment of programs, program designers can do this (at least in theory), but software designers (at least in practice), never can.

When you apply formal languages to describe things, you are working under assumptions of closure and completeness. The problem is, software, and software design methods, only partially conforms to the closure/completeness assumptions of formal languages. Software is not usually closed, it must satisfy customers, and neither is it usally complete, it's enver fully implemented.

Program design methods are totally bounded by the completeness and closure assumptions of formal languages, so software designers must go some way towards finding a complete and closed description of the software system (i.e., of the requirements and the design), otherwise, program designers can not design programs. This is, funamentally, what a software design method tries to do.

Software must describe something of the communities that design, use and form the environment for the programs. But there are some difficulties for software designers, like: where do the boundaries of these communities lie; what is the relationship between these communities and the computers attached to them, and; how can we form closed or complete descriptions under these conditions.

Program descriptions are special cases of software descriptions.

Software descriptions are special cases of the full complexity of the relationships and associated communities that have interest in the system. Thus, software is a description a special case of the relationships among human communities, the environment of those communities, and machines associated with them. By assuming that complete or closed descriptions exist, software design methods may fail to create an adequate description of reality.