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The University of York, Department of Computer Science

BEng/BSc Computer Science with Sandwich

Academic Year 2005/06 Departmental Record of Assessment

Module Percentage Credits
POP Principles of Programming 98% 10
ICS Introduction to Computer Systems 63% 10
ICM Introduction to Computer Mathematics 46% 10
IDD Introduction to Digital Circuit Design 16% 10
ADS Algorithms and Data Structures 74% 20
CAR Computer Architectures 61% 20
MCS Mathematics for Computer Science 38% 20
DAD Digital and Analogue Circuit Design 44% 20
PD1 Professional Development Seminars unassessed 0

Year 1 credits: 120
Year 1 percentage: 55%

Which puts me slap bang in the middle of a 2.2, however I failed IDD and MCS – due to the wonders of clumping, I only need to resit IDD (my ICM + MCS combined scores = a pass in the Mathematics strand).

But yeah, slightly screwed here (I need to pass all my strands to pass onto the second year)