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Okay, this new “My LiveJournal” thing is quite cool. Apparantely I can have up to 6 userpics now! Wonder when that changed. I’m also using 34.41 KB of 0.00 KB storage space, great. And my LJ is now all subdomainy, w00t.
So, I’m back in Doncaster now. Got an e-mail from the secretary: “DAD Assessment – I note you have not signed out a copy of the above assessment. Please call at the office to collect a copy.”. So I’m confused as to what assessment they mean – because the only DAD assessment I know about is the 8 week long one I already have the booklet for. I guess I’ll pop in on Monday.
So, my Grandad passed away last night. He had cancer, and has been in quite a lot of pain recently, so I guess it’s a good thing he’s at peace now. Just a bit upsetting that’s all. DO NOT SAY “I’M SORRY” OR SOMETHING IN A COMMENT. IT’S NOT YOUR FAULT, WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO BE SORRY FOR?.
Start work at new Argos on Sunday, semi-yay. (as this involves money).