How to drop £776
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Decide you want to do some more amateur radio is the easy option. After selling my shitty handheld for £14 on eBay (I paid £50 for it, iirc) I realised waiting to raise some money was pointless, so I went ahead and bought the radios I was going to buy at LARS:
1 x FT-857D FT857 Yaesu HF 50 144 430 MHz (FT-857D FT85) = £555.00
1 x G5RV HALF Watson 40-20-15-10m Dipole (G5-RV) = £21.95
1 x MFJ-904 3.5-30MHz 150W Travel Tuner with SWR/PWR meter (MFJ-904) = £99.95
1 x W-25AM Watson 25A PSU (W-25AM) = £89.95
Sub-Total: £766.85
UK (Best Way): £10.00
VAT: £114.21
Total: £776.85
Just hope it’s worth it. And that the aerial fits in my garden.
I’m not going to LARS now. Why? Because I’ve been asked to sell merchandise at the Robbie Williams concert at Leeds, and if I do well, in Milton Keynes as well. So, getting paid to watch Robbie Williams, and flog merch afterwards = good in my book.