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3am! Madness.

Anyway, it’s probably time for a Christmas post, seeing as I normally do one and I haven’t yet.

So, what did I get for Christmas? I got a camcorder, breakdown cover and the usual (clothes, toiletries, etc). The video camera was particularly exciting, as I wasn’t expecting it, but I now have one! So I’m recording a video diary (ala Phil Lester) of my holiday and if it’s any good, I’ll probably slap it on here/Youtube/Facebook.

Not much else exciting has been happening, apart from finding out some random linguist actually downloaded and tired to use my IPA keyboard program, which, it turns out, doesn’t work on any PC without Visual Studio.NET installed. Which most linguists won’t have. Which is annoying. I’m also half way through creating a web page for this house (which is going to be rented out this year, so if you’re looking for a French holiday home for a week or two, look no further! –, please note it’s a work in progress) and for a project I’m working on called Arete, which is some kind of QA and project management system for open source projects –

Anyway, with that brief update over, I’ll let you get back to whatever you were doing before you decided to waste time reading this and normal service will resume (which probably means another update in about 3 months)