Live Blogging version 2

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I’m pleased to announce the release of version 2 of the Live Blogging plugin for WordPress.

The Live Blogging plugin offers lots of functionality for WordPress bloggers, especially those who blog following live events. Using Live Blogging, you can create many small, microblogs within a single post, with each update automatically appearing on your readers screens.

For a demonstration on how to use the plugin, and how it works, I’ve created a 4 minute screencast demonstrating it.

For users of version 1, version 2 is an almost complete rewrite, adding many new features – the most important of which is the removal of the requirement of Meteor for automatic updating (although using Meteor offers improvements over the standard polling situation), so the effect demonstrated in the screencast is available to everyone. More customisability is available too, for those who have used Live Blogging v1.

I’d also like to thank the beta testers for helping me debug the release before I released it. Also, thanks to all the users who are using the live blogging plugin.

Watch the screencast
Download the plugin

Please spread the word!